Sunday, January 11, 2009

Livin' Life in 2009

Hey guess what! Spartanburg college students (and recent grads) now have a literary/art 'zine! It's called the Salt Shaker. Now I have to dig up some poetry. much life. More than I have time to blog about. Oh, but I do have photos:

Last Thursday I took a walk with one of my best friends at Converse, Sarah Bracey. We always find ourselves gravitating toward the graveyard. Its peace matches the usual contemplative nature of our discussions.

This house struck us as a foreboding place. Few windows in the front and a general air of neglect. I imagined dark things happening there. It was an especially odd juxtaposition with these houses across the street:

Hard to believe they are part of the same neighborhood.

Sarah (left) treated me to dinner at Gee Dining Hall. It was good to be back. I caught up with a lot of friends including Liz (right).

Saturday morning I spent with one of my longtime best friends Bethany and her husband John.

We watched a great documentary Lucas Patterson lent me, called Ordinary Radicals, while Bethany and I crocheted and knit. That blasted mitt still isn't finished.

My friend Daylan (2nd from R) is a children's librarian at the HQ library. She invited mom and me to her open house party where we got to tour her sweet little townhouse. And try on a few hats.

Today I interviewed Ellie at HUB-BUB for an article I'm writing for the Spark. I took a few photos too.
Jonas is going to kill me for posting this. Haha.

Studio space. The sign reads "I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art anybody could ever want to own." -Andy Warhol.

The Jam went very well yesterday. We are at the HUB-BUB for the winter. PJ brought his electric guitar and Adam, Maneesh brought his djembe, Allison brought her flute and guitar, and Lucas Patterson showed up and tapped on the bodhran. I rocked out on dad's string bass on "Fever", jammed along to some Dave Matthews covers with the pear shaker, and played recorder on "Wipeout." One of my favorite things about the Jam is being able to pick up completely random instruments I don't play and not caring if I sound terrible. The funny thing is, usually it turns out alright.

I'm so excited about the February Jam. Bryant's bringing his new uke and I'll have my new hand-me-down banjo. Thanks Bryant!

I go back to work tommorow. Oh that dream job I mentioned, it's for College Town Coordinator. I have an interview Friday. I am so excited and very nervous. If you pray, please pray for me Friday!

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