Monday, March 31, 2008

Greetings from Athens, Georgia!

This is an excerpt from the archives of my student blog, now unpublished. But you can read today's Converse Student Blogs here. 

Yay for spring break. Here I am in a lovely little historic Georgia college town. My purpose is two-fold: to catch up on schoolwork/get my life back in order for the rest of the semester, and soak up as much of the city as I can.


Day 1: Organize my life, dig up & polish old poetry, get a map/events calendars/other useful literature.
Day 2: Write poetry, read poetry, go adventuring, eat with friends, maybe catch a show.
Day 3: More poetry, catch up on reading for classes, more adventuring, friends, maybe another show.
Day 4: More of the above, go home.

The weather is catching me off guard though. I really should have checked the forecast, I definitely packed with a rosy view of perfect, sunny Spring Break weather. It was like 45 degrees today. Brr.

In other news, God is still very good. He's been humoring me even as I do and say incredibly stupid things. (sheesh, I can be such an idiot.) His newest message: "My will, My way, My time." Amen, Lord.

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