Monday, August 1, 2011

New Blog Layout!

I am learning about html and web design in my graduate class and got inspired. :) I found this awesome digiscrapping blog (yay new word!) while working on one of my assignments and the Moments kit appealed to me. I found this cool font at and after several hours of labor, much tweaking and risky code manipulation, I am proud to present Long Purple Bike's new look. By the way, if you need free hi-res image hosting, Picture Push seems to be a pretty good choice.

Please tell me what you think of the new look!

Edit: Added "Why Long Purple Bike" page, went through and tagged all my posts from the beginning, and added a cute little tag cloud. Hopefully that will help you to discover and peruse more writings of interest. Remember, I LOVE comments! >.<


  1. Oh, it's lovely!! :) (It took three tries and many, many minutes to load, but I love it!!)

  2. Very nice! I love the title matching with the background. Did you make these illustrations yourself?

  3. Thanks! I didn't draw the illustrations. The floral print is a patterned "paper." The flowers on the text I cut from a flower element and placed there.


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